I think that, for me as an actress, Cloe is the kind of person and coach that you want to have in your life. I first studied in Spain and then met her in New York. It was such a different experience for me. I was acting and having fun but Id never met anyone with that kind of capacity to be so specific with the people theyre working with. However long you get to work with her, it helps. Even if its your worst day, even if youre feeling shitty, no matter what kind of situation youre in, working with her will help you. It can be just one thing she says to you or one adjustment she gives youIts not just a regular acting class. Itll help you as a person and itll help your career as an actor. I really, really recommend working with her, if you can. Be it by taking one of her workshops or by working with her in a coaching session. It really changed my life. And now I know that I have someone who really cares about me, my acting career, my work as an actress. Knowing that gives me a sense of peace because I know that if Im in trouble, I have someone I can really trust in my corner. So, do it!